In September, years 3 and 4 visited Sir Harold Hillier Gardens in Romsey, to delve deeper into their history topic of The Stone Age. Against the spectacular backdrop of this world renowned arboretum, the children’s first task was to walk out a giant timeline, to establish how far back the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages were. They then immersed themselves, quite literally, in to The Stone Age, with a fascinating introduction to archaeology. Armed with trowels, the children set to work, in a purpose-built trench, to uncover artefacts from different periods. After carefully washing their finds, they were able to use their history skills to place them on the timeline.
In the afternoon, the children were split into groups, to experience Stone Age life at close quarters, through a range of bushcraft activities. These included; making heat and sparks from flint knapping; roasting apples over an open fire; creating cave drawings and making a bracelet from materials they found in the wood.
The children all thoroughly enjoyed their day and came away with a much more in-depth appreciation of this fascinating history topic.