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Online Safety

DfE Guidance
Questions to ask your children about their online safety

1. If you felt uncomfortable about anything you saw online, or if anybody asked you for your personal details such as your address on the internet, would you know where to go for help?


2. If anybody sent you hurtful messages on the internet or on your mobile phone, would you know who to tell?


3. Can you tell me one of the rules your school has for using the internet or for keeping yourself safe when online?

Online safety presentation

Online Safety Policy and Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement for Pupils

The Governors have approved our Online Safety Policy published here along with the User Agreement for Pupils.  The User Agreement has been shared with the children and will form part of our Home School Agreement.  The Policy and User Agreements have been designed to protect children as part of our commitment to safeguarding children.


Our Safeguarding Policy makes reference to online safety and has useful links.

We have a CLOSED GROUP on Facebook for parents/carers of children on roll at Amport School.  In order to access the page, please send a request to join via the link in the User Agreement below and sign and return a signed copy of the User Agreement to school.


We are reviewing whether to retain this group as it appears that parents favour communication to be sent by ParentMail and have been less inclined to access the Facebook page in recent months. 
