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Parish Magazine March 2020

There was much excitement this week as our Year 4 pupils became the first to test out our brand new tablets, which arrived in school earlier this month.  The set of 12 tablets, with detachable keyboards, was purchased for the school by the PTA, following a very successful appeal in January’s edition.

Times tables were first on the agenda, with the children accessing a popular app to help improve their own scores in timed tests.  Learning times tables can be a huge challenge for some children, but this imaginative and interactive approach has really appealed them.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will be introducing the tablets into daily classroom use across other year groups.  EYFS (Reception) and Key Stage 1, for instance, are looking forward to using them to help develop their counting, letter formation and phonics skills, as well exploring other subjects, such as science.

The children will also be encouraged to use them for taking photographs and making short videos, to support their work as historians and geographers. 

As we get used to having them in school, we are sure that the teachers and pupils will find other ways to use them, both in the classroom and outdoors. The possibilities are endless!

The PTA is very grateful to all parents, residents and local businesses who contributed so generously, enabling us to buy them for our school. 

