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Who's Who


The Staff

Mrs Nicky King: Headteacher; *DSL, Designated Teacher

Mrs Jo Cartridge: Administrative Officer; Clerk to Governors

Mrs Claire Mathias: Deputy Headteacher; **DDSL; Rowan Class Teacher (Y5/6), Staff Governor

Miss Claire Croft:  EYFS/KS1 Leader; **DDSL; Beech Class Teacher (Y1/2)

Miss Charlotte Tidman:  Willow Class Teacher (Y3/4)

Miss Samantha Boddington: Oak Class Teacher (YR)

Mrs Claire McGilvray:  Teacher currently covering PPA

Mrs Chloe Finlay-Black: SENDCo

Mrs Sarah Pearce, Mrs Alison Thorne, Mrs Heather Henry, Mrs Sarah Adams, Mrs Karina Duke: Teaching Assistants; Lunchtime Supervisors

Caretaker/cleaner: Mr Mark Thorne


Oak Class, the Hall, the School Office, the Headteacher's Office, Silver Birch Room, Maple Room and the staff room are all located in the original listed building dating from 1815.  This building was renovated and extended in 1999. Completed in August 2010 and attached to the main building is Rowan Class, the children's cloakrooms and the library. The multipurpose hall is used for Collective Worship, PE, performances, dining and whole school activities. A teaching kitchen was created in 2016. Beech Class and Willow Class, housed in classrooms across the playground, were constructed in 1999 and refurbished in 2018. The school office and Headteacher office were refurbished in Autumn 2020 and Rowan class was refurbished in 2022. 


Our admission number is 15 and our number on roll is typically around 96.


*DSL- Designated Safeguarding Lead

**DDSL- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
