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Oak Class

Communication and Language

This term in Oak Class, children will use conversation to solve various problems while engaging in a range of activities. They will be encouraged to organise their thoughts through open-ended questions and explain their observations by discussing how things work and why they happen.

Children will also respond to a variety of questions about their learning through timely questioning. Additionally, they will be encouraged to ask and answer questions with each other, explore their environment, and deepen their understanding.


Reading and Writing

In Reading this term the children will be learning a range of digraphs and trigraphs to aid them to become independent readers. The children will be encouraged to blend sounds together in order to read unknown words. To develop a lifelong love of reading the children will have regular story time and be encouraged to bring home a library book of their choosing to share at home.

In writing this term the children will be responding to a range of stories and poems about ‘Magic and Machinery’ and ‘Amazing Animals’. The children will continue to learn how to segment words through a range of writing activities, whilst also using finger spaces for writing short sentences and phrases.


Physical Development

This term the children will be experimenting with changes in speed, direction, shape, and size whilst responding to music. The children will explore whole body actions to create linked shapes and movements. They will also be developing their overall body strength and coordination through ‘Write Dance’. Also, in Oak Class the children will continue to develop the foundations of a cursive handwriting style and be encouraged to correctly form the letters in their names. Whilst outside the children will have the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills using the bikes and large-scale obstacle course resources.



Throughout this term we will be encouraging the children to be confident and to try new activities, to show independence, resilience, and perseverance in the face of challenges. They will be encouraged to explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong, and understand the reasons for making good choices. They will be encouraged to manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including changing for PE, getting organised for going home, and going to the toilet. We will also be working on their understanding of the importance of healthy food choices.



As mathematicians this term the children will be exploring numbers up to 10 through representing them in different ways, by comparing them, and by looking into the composition of numbers. This will include investigating pairs of numbers and doubling. The children will be further developing their understanding of addition and will be investigating number bonds to 5 and 10 in a practical, concrete approach. During continuous provision the children will be exploring length and height through a range of enhanced activities to promote the skills of comparing, sorting, and mathematical language.


Understanding the World

This term the children will be look at machines through history and discussing changes that they can see. They will be investigating how machines help us to complete jobs and comparing these jobs to how they were completed in the past. The children will also be learning about ‘Amazing Animals’ and how to look after animals. They will be encouraged to compare animals found in the jungle to those living on a farm by learning their names and labelling their body parts. The children will also be encouraged to explore nocturnal animals and make sense of different environments and habitats that animals live in. In RE the children will be learning about the stories Jesus told, visiting the church for special celebrations, and learning more about the role Reverend Good has within the school.


Expressive Art and Design

Through the children’s topics of ‘Magicians and Machinery’ and ‘Amazing Animals’ they will be taught different techniques for joining materials such as how to use adhesive tape, treasury tags, paper clips, and different types of glue. Through enhanced provision the children will be encouraged to practise these skills in other situations. The children will also be joining in with familiar songs and learning how to vary their volume to create dynamics in their singing. Also, in Oak Class this term the children will begin to experiment with mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. During continuous provision the children will also be provided with a wide range of props for play in order to encourage imagination.