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Joining us (Admissions)

Applying for a place at a Hampshire school

Please see the attached link for further information

Admissions Appeal Timetable - 2024

Considering a school for your child for the first time, or when they are moving between schools, is a very important as well as exciting responsibility.  We appreciate that parents want to be fully informed so that they can decide which school they would prefer their child to attend.  We welcome all enquiries and would be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to visit.  Our latest Ofsted Report and Statutory Inspection of Church Schools Report are available, please refer to the drop down menu for the links.

Hampshire’s admissions policy is an “Equal Preference” system which has been designed allow parents the facility to express a wider preference. The online application form for Year R asks parents to list schools in order of preference.  All schools named on the form will rank the applications according to the priorities in their Admissions Policy and consider them all at the same time.  If more than one school can offer a place, the parents’ highest preference will be allocated.

If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2021, he or she would be entitled to start school in September 2025.  Our PAN (Planned Admission Number) is 15.

Applications can be made online from 1st November 2024 at and the deadline for Year R 2025 applications is midnight on the 15th January 2025. Offer letters/emails will be sent to parents by County Admissions in April 2025.  If you have any questions about the application process, please call the Admissions Team on 0300 555 1377.

If you request admission on denominational grounds, you must also complete a SIF (supplementary information form) certified by an appropriate church authority (included in the Admissions Policy below). Please note that the admissions panel cannot consider a letter from your vicar alone as proof of chuirch attendance; the application must include a completed SIF. The SIF is to be delivered to the school itself and not submitted online. If you require a hard copy, please enquire via the school office or see the link below. 

Of course, you are welcome to apply for places in other year groups at any time during the academic year using the “In Year” application form available online via the Hampshire Admissions website.  If you have any questions about admissions, please contact us.

We sometimes have places available - please call us if you wish to discuss the possibility of your child joining our school.

School Admission for Armed Forces Families